Friday 30 September 2011


22. 10 things about you that people don’t really expect

1. i hate public speaking. as loud as i am normally, i hate talking in front of people and being openly scrutinized.
2. i hate shopping. contrary to the stereostypes of my sexuality, i hate picking clothes out, but i am fine with people choosing them for me to try on.
3. i have a real name and it's Daniel. there are too many daniels around and that's why they all have nicknames.
4. i'm transparent. there aren't really many things people don't really expect from me because i don't seem to hide many details about myself. introvert, extrovert, doesn't matter.

Thursday 29 September 2011


was awesome! lol, surprisingly better than boombox in mine/tarah's opinions :)
i didn't even get autographs or photos or anything but enjoyed the actual show a lot more.

thanks to ness and thuy for letting me go backstage and check hot guys out! woot!


when all i want to do is collapse but i look into your eyes and i just feel the comfort of a thousand pillows.


21. Something you can’t seem to get over

i went to singapore to see a mayday concert and when i came back i got a BF :)

Wednesday 28 September 2011


20. The last argument you had

probably with merv, but i don't even consider them arguments, just talking lol, but about things other couples would argue about.
so maybe my last argument was in fact with my parents. who knows

Tuesday 27 September 2011


19. Something that never fails to make you feel better

+ frozen yoghurt
+ hazelnut chocolate
+ thuy pham cos she's a clown

Monday 26 September 2011


today (sunday) a customer told me that the weather was great, but she also continued on to say that the weather will probably be shit by night/the next day and then it'll get better again.

my god she was right


18. Disrespecting parents

my family is pretty close so if i want to say something to them i usually can (though i hardly ever do want to say anything).

the only time i'm really "disrespecting" my mum is when she says stuff about mervyn and i just say 'yeah yeah ok, whatever'

only time i seem to be disrespecting dad is when i treat him as a senile person, which is quite often, but i still have a lot of respect for him :)

otherwise, the shit u see on american tv shows with kids hitting parents and shit like that, that's just plain stupid lol. does not happen to asians D:

Sunday 25 September 2011


17. Things that make you scared

  • losing someone valuable. i don't think this needs to be explained and i believe that we're all afraid of this one way or another
  • falling [it's a fear of falling not a fear of heights!]. everytime a plane lifts off i try to fall asleep before that so i don't have to feel scared. and i hate crossing foot bridges!
  • vagina. ew?
  • being forgotten. i feel like i have to leave footprints, in people's memories or in places. because some day i won't be here, so at least i can be kept somewhere intangible

Saturday 24 September 2011


16. 3 things you are proud of about your personality

1. Merv says i'm cute and the older i get, the harder it is to be cute. considering i'm too old to function, i guess it means i'm lucky if i can remain this way for so long

2. this question actually sucks because to be proud about something of yourself just shows how pretentious you are.


Friday 23 September 2011


15. The best thing to happen to you this week

Went to see Mayday 3DNA with merlini, ness, nj, emma and meng!

it was awesome! watching them perform in 3D!
the storylines were hell touching/sad, wanted to cry each time, but then it cuts to a mayday song so you're like 'phew, no tears'

had a huge lump in my throat in the end scene D:

soundtrack is good too!

i also had madzoon today, so that makes me happy!

Thursday 22 September 2011


14. Something disgusting you do

S: "what's something disgusting i do?"
M: "Fart."
S: "but everyone farts?!"
M: "Farting on your boyfriend."


Wednesday 21 September 2011


13. A date you would love to go on

to the beach where we will eat cold rock icecream and just sit there watching the waves and eating cold rock icecream while eating cold rock icecream.

yum cold rock ice cream!

Tuesday 20 September 2011


got this questionnaire from elain so i couldn't think of a better name for the title;

What's wrong with you right now?
i'm awake @ 4:40am

Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
yes! anytime, anywhere would be long as i get to come back :D

Are you looking forward to anything?
Friday (not in the rebecca black sort of way - i have plans with thuy and ness..i hope!)

Have you ever broken someone's heart?


Your enemy is at your doorstep begging for forgiveness, what would you do?
ahaha who is my enemy and how do they know where i live

 Is there someone that makes you happy every time you see them?
a lot of people, but from the top of my head..penny! because she's always full of funny jokes

Think back to the last person you kissed, how many times have you laughed with them?
i'm not single.

Have you ever suspected anyone of cheating on you?
yes! with photoshop >:(

What does text #3 in your cell say?
Jackie: wow so many of u

What would you do if you received a long love letter?
read it ? :S

What was the meanest thing someone said to you?
i want to break up with you

What do you say during awkward silences?
i don't say anything

Have you ever liked someone that was in a relationship?
i fall in like with mervyn everyday and he's in a relationship D: 
Do you believe that everyone has a soul mate?
i suppose so, just some people give up the search and settle for a mate instead.
What’s the most extreme thing you’ve had to do to avoid an ex? 
nothing =[
Could you ever date someone just for their money? 
yes,  because money buys happiness!

Have you ever had a spray tan go horribly wrong?
TOTALLY, looked like an oompa loompa. lol no. who gets spray tans these days

Have you ever read an entire book in one day?
yep! the last one was a clockwork orange, cos i spent like 7 hours at the hairdresser

Do you still talk to the person you fell hardest for?
i think so
Have you ever crawled through a window?

The last song you heard?
If you had to eat 1 thing for the rest of your life, what?

Do you know anyone who has a collection of old records?
i guess my parents do? in CD form?

Would you ever agree to an open relationship with someone?
yes! lol :D i don't know what happens if they kiss during sex though D:
Do people always say you’re too thin?
NO :( 
Could you design an whole web page yourself?
no but i could design a question with no typos unlike this one 
How old were you when you started wearing makeup?
i don't wear makeup :(


12. Things you want to say to an ex

Hi, i hope you're doing okay.

Nothing much else to say really, it was in year 10 and i was pretty young back then.

Monday 19 September 2011


11. Your current relationship, if single discuss how single life is

Almost 16 months :D, it hasn't felt like it though.

We met at metros (which is sad/lame, because it destroys any possibility of a romantic tale) and he asked me out pretty quickly (about 2 weeks)
We settled down pretty fast, we see each other almost everyday. At some point we lived together almost everyday.
I guess it's a good sign that we can tolerate each other 24/7 :)

We don't really disagree much, he's pretty much my best friend as much as he is my boyfriend. We don't go on dates and such because it just feels like we're hanging out instead. We play DotA, watch movies, gym, eat out together. But we also do the same with our friends too. There's not really one thing that we do 1-on-1 except sleeping or showering.

Alphonso: You don't step in to love, you fall in. Head over heels. Have you ever seen someone fall head over heels in love? It's ugly, bro. Toxic, septic.
Reed Bennett: How did you and your wife get it so right?
Alphonso: Easy, I married my best friend!
Reed Bennett: I thought I was your best friend.


Sunday 18 September 2011


10. Your views on drugs and alcohol

other illicit/life-ruining drugs are bad.

i even think tobacco is worse than marijuana because of the addictiveness of nicotine and the legality of it.
of course if marijuana was illegal, it would be abused the same way that tobacco and alcohol are, but if 1/3 of those were to be banned, i would say alcohol should be

it causes so many problems.

Saturday 17 September 2011


9. Your last kiss

merv kept kissing me on the cheek! it tickles :$

Friday 16 September 2011


8. Something you’re currently worrying about

um, i have a midsem in 6 days. SIGH!

i want to bake bread! yakitate japan!

Thursday 15 September 2011


7. Your opinion on cheating on people

everyone has the same opinion? haven't actually seen someone write:

"hey, cheating is fine, i don't understand why people whinge about it".


Wednesday 14 September 2011


6. The person you like and why you like them

i like mervyn because he's good at dota

Tuesday 13 September 2011


5. 5 things that irritate you about the opposite/same sex

So...5 things that irritate me about EVERYONE, because all genders should be goddamn equal cos i treat them the same - minus the physical attraction thing.

1. People that know when you want to be serious and pass it off as a joke. I believe it's quite rude when someone's trying to say something and they're just like "meh-meh-meh-meh-meh" - it doesn't even have to be me trying to say something, just passing something off with a "whatever" attitude is not granting anyone the chance to speak and it just shows how little respect you deserve when you are also trying to speak.

This includes being bad at DotA and not taking it seriously that you are bad because you ruin the game for 4 (or 9) other people who want to enjoy it. If you don't want to play properly then go play with your cock because at least you can only disappoint yourself.

2. SMOKING. Bad habit, more harmful to passive smokers, unattractive and the smell of the smoke gives me headaches. I hate it even more when people spray perfume after they smoke to cover up the smell because they use excess amounts and it gives me an even bigger headache. If you don't want to smell like smoke here's a good idea: don't smoke.

3. Stubbornness. To change yourself for something can either be good or bad - based on judgement. But if you are just bad and you refuse to change your ways then you don't deserve the respect you demand for being a douche. If you lack punctuality, make an effort to be quicker. If you want to look better, don't just sit there complaining and eating and then bitching to everyone who doesn't care about it, then eat to live, not live to eat. If you. YOU are being stubborn because you have every reason to change but refuse to. If you actually stop to listen to advice that people have to give and stop believing that the world is somewhat against you, you may learn a few things and hopefully change the things about yourself that equate you to a rectal cleanser

4. Users. Okay so if you're only going to talk to me if you want something from me then you can do the world a favour and play permanent-hide-and-seek because no one will want to find you anyway. BITCH, who do you think you are? It's also just as bad if you're sucking up to people just to milk them for favours. Not only is it obvious to everyone else, it's funnier when you're helpless without them. Call me a bitch for bathing in your inadequacies as a person, but it's called friendship because you're meant to be friends, you know, mutual affection.

And it's worse when you milk someone more than America milks 9/11 because you know they like you. Not only is it cruel, but it shows that you don't even remotely deserve that person who is willing to forgo something for you.

5. Dumb people. Okay this may sound fairly elitist, but I mean people that just can't think properly. People who can't just stand there, analyse a situation and think to themselves "I need to stop talking because not only is my input not needed, it's also incorrect". People who just have some warped perception of themselves and think that what they say is brutally and honestly, correct. For one, you should never work in the accounting department of a firm because you'll probably just disobey the requirements to be RELEVANT and RELIABLE. I don't want to put any exact examples in because then I'll move away from the point that I hate the fact that certain people are so dumb that even if you fed them a food called "sense", it wouldn't digest.

I hate people!

Monday 12 September 2011


4. What you wear to bed

i usually start off with a shirt and either shorts/pants
and then somehow my pants come off
and then my shirt

and i always wake up naked

Sunday 11 September 2011


3. What kind of person attracts you

apparently i'm a slut, so my standards are pretty low lol.

but i'll definitely take my clothes off for you if you look like this:

personality wise:

don't get on my nerves (because i'm a hater)
be good at dota (so i don't have to be)
make my mind up for me (because i can never decide)
put up with me (because i'm hard to love)
be mervyn (because he's awesome)

you also have to be good in bed because apparently i'm too horny


sad day

Saturday 10 September 2011


2. How have you changed in the past 2 years?

11/9/2009 was the midnight after MSU ball.

Since then I've:

gotten a boyfriend
been through a few jobs (I decided to only start working after the ball was over)
increased my GPA
got a new car (brother crashed my neon!)
started a hobby (collecting popular penguins)
hit the gym (as demanded by merlin)
come out to my parents (not too exciting)
travelled with friends (KL/TW <3)

basically, i'd say that the last 2 years have been full of "life-changing experiences" for me.
not that i'm any more mature than i was before.

Friday 9 September 2011


oh my god


1. Weird things you do when you’re alone
i just sit there listening to my music
i read my penguin books; currently reading The Picture of Dorian Gray :D

Thursday 8 September 2011


1. Last beverage→ Water

2. Last phone call → Mummy, the day before. foreveralone.jpg

3. Last text message→ Simon Thai :x

4. Last song you listened to→ Huan Man [緩慢] - 黃美珍

5. Last time you cried → August 9


6. Dated someone twice → Yes

7. Been cheated on? → No

8. Kissed someone & regretted it? → I can't even remember who I've kissed anymore :(

9. Lost someone special? → If they're special I would have made an effort to keep them in my life. Unless they died - which they haven't

10. Been depressed? → Yes, but at least I wasn't called a princess

11. Been drunk? → YAY!


12. Green

13. Blue-green

14. Light-green


15. Made new friends → Yes

16. Fallen out of love → I suppose so?

17. Laughed until you cried → Yes

18. Met someone who changed you → Yes

19. Found out who your true friends were → A friend with weed is a friend indeed!

20. Found out someone was talking about you → Bitch, I'm SAGO.

21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list → YES

23. How many kids do you want to have→ PLENTY, going to give them all cool names!

24. Do you have any pets → A pet Mervyn :D needs to be fed everyday and picked up from Isaac's daycare centre

25. Do you want to change your name → No

26. What did you do for your last birthday → Got "surprised", drunk, crawled down the hallway, caught a chip in my mouth for the first time, proposed to my BF etc.

27. What time did you wake up today? → 12:30!

28. What were you doing at midnight last night→ Playing -sdsoulemab

29. Name something you CANNOT wait for → STEREOMOTHERFUCKINGSONIC!

30. Last time you saw your father → Today at workies :D

31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life → INCOME

32. What are you listening to right now → Merv's breathing on skype

33. Have you ever talked to a person named George → Yes! But I think the person that wrote this changed it from "Tom". That's my dad's name!

34. What's getting on your nerves right now? → GRETCHEN WEINERS, because the tallest go in the middle!

36. What's your real name? → Xie En Yeo :D

37. How many relationships have you had? → 1

38. Zodiac sign → Aries

39. Male or female → Male

40. Kindergarden/nursery→ Beldon/Duncraig/South Ballajura

41. Middle School → B.C.C.

42. High school → B.C.C.

43. Hair color → WHITE

44. Long or short → SHORT

45. Height → 163

47. What do you like about yourself? → My BF :)

48. Piercings → 5 left 1 right

49. Tattoos → 1. Jk lol, maybe in a month or two.

50. Righty or lefty → RIGHT


51. First surgery → ;)

52. First piercing → EAR

53. First tattoo → Barcode

54. First best friend → TOM ROGERS

55. First sport you joined → Tae Kwon Do

56. First pet → Terry! a doggy :)

57. First vacation → Vietnam

58. First concert → Lady GAGA with MENG :)

59. First crush → Who fkn remembers

60. First alcohol drink → Corona


61. Eating → Nothing

62. Drinking → Nothing

63. I'm about to → Go to sleep

64. Listening to → Mervyn

65. Waiting for → Mervyn to sleep so I can go to sleep


66. Want kids? → OF COURSE

67. Want to get married? → I guess so, but I'm not too sure if I'd have a wedding

68. Careers in mind? → TAX


69. Lips or eyes → HAVE you SEEN MERV'S LIPS?

70. Hugs or kisses → Hugs

71. Shorter or taller → Taller

72. Older or Younger → Anything

73. Romantic or spontaneous → BOTH, cause I'd be lying if I said I'd prefer one over the other

74. Nice stomach or nice arms → Stomach :)~~

75. Tattoos or piercings → Anything

76. Sensitive or loud → What is this I do not even

77. Hook-up or relationship → R/S?

78. Trouble maker or hesitant → MERV IS TB


79. Kissed a stranger → that's sort of creepy and I'm not desperate like tim to do that

80. Drank hard liquor → NO

81. Lost glasses/contacts → yes, at metros :(

82. Sex on first date → NO, PURITY!

83. Broken someone's heart → lol no one's ever fallen for me :(

84. Had your own heart broken → Yes

85. Been arrested? → I'M NOT HORNYDRUNKENHIPPO

86. Turned someone down → lol no one's ever asked me out :(

87. Cried when someone died → FORREST GUMP'S MUM


89. Yourself → I'm not reliable enough

90. Miracles → NO

91. Love at first sight → That's another way of saying "Are you shallow?"

92. Heaven → Depends on how much MDMA is in the pill

93. Santa Claus → NO

94. Kissing on the first date? → I GUESS SO

95. Angels → NO


96. Is there one person you want to be with right now? → RYAN BARRY

97. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time? → NO

98. Do you believe it's possible to remain faithful forever? → NO ;)

99. What's the one thing you cannot live without? → PENIS

100. Posting this as 100 Truths? WHAT DOES THIS EVEN MEAN

Wednesday 7 September 2011


didn't want to eat it

Tuesday 6 September 2011


i can’t look, i'm so blind
i lost my heart, i lost my mind
without you

Monday 5 September 2011


so today i took a roxy and then i went to shower.


it's sad how legal drugs play around with your body more than the illicit ones :(

Saturday 3 September 2011


he's kinda perfect
he's kinda everything i'm not
yes, he's an angel
it's amazing how she's patient
even more at times i'm not
he's my conscience

but who decided i'd be his?
i want to hate them
cause now i can't live without him

Thursday 1 September 2011


Because I'm like that toy you were given when you were young, You throw it all around everywhere and forget about it when the new toys come. You can do what you want with it though, Because it's only a toy anyway - it can't feel anything and you can always fix it or buy a new one