Wednesday 30 September 2009

don't misunderstand me when i say that i hate you.

just remember when i said it was easier


everything directs here:


now, let's play match the nouns with the adjectives:



Tuesday 29 September 2009


'stay where you belong: in my memories!'

Monday 28 September 2009



this alisa song, the title makes me think ;o.

if there was no tomorrow i think i'd be happy.

i'd just do the things i want to do
and say the things i want to say.
cos i don't think i would in any other circumstances

if i die tonight.


'fireworks are like love,

it's all pretty and stuff short-lived

but soon enough all that's left is smoke'



i had fun today at RS with diana+meng :D

and i actually didn't believe myself when i thought i was afraid of loud noises.

but tonight actually confirmed it =\

Sunday 27 September 2009


you don't have to be a hurricane to turn things around


i'm going to watch my pay go in 3 days.

Saturday 26 September 2009


the other 4 being air, water, earth and fire.

i don't think i can be defined by my quintessential essence.

not without the other 4.

air; where i supposedly come from, i lost my wings one day and fell from the sky.

water; even though i can't walk on water, i can swim when i need to. you taught me.

earth; treat 'em like dirt, and they stick to you like mud.

fire; hah, fiery.

the quintessence of my life?

i'll find out one day.


and i just caught myself thinking.


i ask for all this

but then i don't even have a reason to.


"you never fought for me because you were never meant to.

and it took me this long to realise,

i'm sorry"


the satisfaction of an itch.

the itchier it is, the better it feels when you scratch it.


i think the pain you feel is similar to that.

the more it hurts, the better it feels later.

assuming later happens.

otherwise that journey's gonna last forever.

this is not the word for today.

Friday 25 September 2009


irrelevance is subjective.

Thursday 24 September 2009


681 posts down the track.

Now that i think about it..that's a lot :O.

I still don't know how i manage to write everyday.

I guess the whole blog-game is keeping me going, on top of double-posts on some days, like today.

<3 Le Love

on that note, i lost my brochure to become an organ donor :D
i'm off my Ps next Friday :D

Ps. royal show anyone?


if i were in an asylum,

i'd be one of those strait-jacketed ones.

and only cos i asked for it to be put on.

i also wonder,

do they get to share rooms?

Wednesday 23 September 2009


Your random word is: open

if it takes a jackhammer to break down your wall,

then a rocket launcher i shall use.

Tuesday 22 September 2009


those things on roses aren't actually thorns,

they're prickles.

thorns are stems gone wrong.
spines are leaves gone wrong.
prickles are extensions of the outer-layer.

did you know that?

Monday 21 September 2009


So straight forward,

not a hint of irony.


and all this will go away,

just sweet dreams,

and happy endings.


wtf worst word ever.

he likes cheese and he hates cheese.

i'm impartial :D.

i like the cheese that my parents stock at the lunch bar. mm yum.
i also like cheesecake if that counts, but only cos of the cookie base :):).

i seem to like the most awesome things in life,

like hazelnut chocolate and fishing

sago: 3
you: 0

Sunday 20 September 2009


all i can think of with this word is the DA mouth song 'Down'.

or maybe even phoenix down.

i think in my whole life of being an FF gamer, i've probably used about 8000 phoenix downs.
and then there's mega phoenix, phoenix summon and white magic: revive.

the thing i find awesome about PD is that it has the power to restore and the ability to destroy.

if you cast it on a dead party member they come back to life
and if you cast it on an undead foe they face instant death.

sort of like love i guess

Saturday 19 September 2009


Your random word is: Companion

says the generator.

it's funny how we leave our minds up to the random generator to decide.

well the word is companion.

such a simple word.

it means so much to me as it means so little to you.




ps. grats asia :D
pps. nj/eileen: yes this is the word for saturday

Friday 18 September 2009


one of the 22 trump cards that make up the Major Arcana.



and in search of experience.

sounds wonderful doesn't it?

you're only there for entertainment.

and no one is entertained.

get over it,

"the last laugh is reserved for death."

Thursday 17 September 2009



in other words,

let me know how you're feeling.

Wednesday 16 September 2009


with respect to my previous blog,

life is not a line.

it's a polynomial.

it can go as long as we define it and as vast as we allow it,

but i prefer to keep mine simple:

not too many variables, just a bit of a, b, c, d and obviously y and x.

which gives me:

y = ax³ + bx² + cx + d.

and if you think about it, ax³ accounts for the equation a lot more than bx², cx or d will..

but you'll only realise that when you test its limit.

think about it.

Tuesday 15 September 2009


locks keep people out.

the end.

well not really,

they have keys too:

usually only 1.

and sometimes if we're stupid enough,

we give away our key to someone we trust.

i'm not sure if u can still open the lock once you've given away the key,

but that's why you have to give it to someone you trust;

so they can come back and open the lock.

i guess?

Monday 14 September 2009


it's not because you don't care,
it's just because i don't matter.


since i've got some blogging thing going on with eileen
and since my posts are limited to one a day

it means i can't actually blog about what i want to sometimes.

therefore, i may often begin double-posting.

like now :)


they leave as quickly as they come.

they're only there because:

they want something from you or,

they got something faulty from you and they're just there to complain about it.

sometimes you get the customer that has something different about them; makes you want to give them a special deal.

maybe something for free?
maybe that unauthorised refund.
maybe a little extra.
maybe even a gift pack.
maybe a discount.
maybe even you.

and sometimes you realise that they aren't actually like that at all.

they were only like that for the freebie, the refund, the extra, the gift, you.

then you realise:

maybe you're the customer

and you just bought their product.

Sunday 13 September 2009


is noise the absence of silence
or is silence the absence of noise?

most believe it's the latter (i think).
but now, i seem to think it's the former.

your silence is killing me and the only way for me to stop it
is to make some noise.

or maybe it's my own silence that's killing me and the only way for me to stop it
is for you to make some noise.

i need it
to save me.


btw my last post was my 666th. lol.

Saturday 12 September 2009


yeah yeah yeah,

we've all heard it before:

we're human,
we make mistakes,
we learn from them,
blah blah blah.

wait, what's a mistake again?

usually we consider something a mistake if we think we did something wrong, somewhere.
we often regret these mistakes because they lead to something terrible,
going back to my original point that, mistakes usually result from something wrong:

i made a mistake with my test, i learn, i hope i don't do it again
i'll regret failing auditing

i made a mistake with my cooking, i learn, i hope i don't do it again
i'll regret having to eat this

i made a mistake with my healing, i learn, i hope i don't do it again
i'll regret wiping the raid

i made a mistake with my words, i learn, i hope i don't do it again
i'll regret what i said

i made a mistake with my heart, i learn, i don't care if i do it again.
i don't regret it at all

i guess not all mistakes are regrets?

Friday 11 September 2009


there is no such thing as a line.

a line has negligible width, therefore a line may or may not even exist.
but it's strange how a line can have an infinite length.

we don't cross lines, we extend limits.
we don't read between lines, we get fooled by signs.
we don't reach the end of the line, we reach our end.

a line doesn't divide two things,
remember that its width greys the black and the white.

but i do believe in 1 line:



and this is probably why i don't believe in marriage
it's like a line,

apparently, this piece of paper can actually mean something,
like whether or not certain people can or cannot have sex without feeling bad.

Thursday 10 September 2009


here it comes
another year,
except this time i have a more pivotal role. i think.

maybe it'll still be the same,
maybe it'll happen,
maybe it won't.

maybe i'm not even talking about what you think i'm talking about.

in the end, it'll explode.
shrapnel will fly,
and things will be scattered.

yeah, maybe i'm not talking about what you think i'm talking about.

but when and where it matters, techies will explode.

Wednesday 9 September 2009


back to one.

i forgot to mention how happy i was.



eileen says i need to blog more,
on her behalf.
hence the double post.


he asks, why does it matter?

he says, because i care too much

i ask, why do i care so much?

she says, it gives us purpose

he says, it's too bothersome

and that you can go with purpose and without care.

he says, you can care of few things

he says, you found your reason

she says, it's 'cos we want to think we can make a difference

he says, it won't go anywhere

i say, you're all the same.


btw post more jihan, ily.

Tuesday 8 September 2009


As you walk down the garden path you see flowers.
they bloom and blossom and you want to pick them.

but think about this:

Do you allow the flower to live its life on the stem?

A full life.

Or do you take the plunge, pick the flower, show it to the world and let it wither away from the stem?

A full life.

but remember:

a flower is merely an educated weed.

Monday 7 September 2009


Happy birthday everyone!

yet another year goes by~

last night was amelia's party. i should really not drink when i'm not supposed to.
couldn't even make it home last night!

and yet again, i have to thank you for almost everything.


and as joshie put it so nice and well:

i hate people

Sunday 6 September 2009


my memory is so poor that i don't remember many of the things i talk about with people.

life needs to be a roadway network where everything is so nicely labeled and signed.
even if there's traffic jams and rush hour and one way roads
there's always a roadmap to follow if we're lost.

on top of that, i installed a GPS into my head.


so anyways, on that note, i was having a CCWK (car convo with kat) the other night and the subject of relationships came up (lol).

and given my poor memory, it's hard for me to elaborate on this point i made:

something to do with knowing and having all 26 letters of the alphabet yet not being able to make an essay.

we have laid out intricately in the road-maps of our minds all the qualities of someone we want to be with.

but we just don't know where to turn, where to stop and where to exit.

Saturday 5 September 2009


As i watch the sunlight filter through these windows, I think to myself: 'Dawn fogs the darkness of day.' The pigs run out in the street, surrounded by baboons and sloths, picking their way through a perpetual maze of opaque puzzles. Never have I contemplated such swines would flu their way into existence. Imagination is power of tools.

Interesting highlights from today:
Jin Nee Tran tore a hole in her leggings today, from sitting on a table. It has expanded and now everyone's laughing at her.
Sago observed that Annie has really big boobs - everyone turned and looked.
Anthony found out he has a wife - a reasonably hot one too.
PJ is pretty bulky - maybe if he played against CS in rugby we would've won.
Ronald is pretty fucking tall - what a yeti!
Andy has a smiley face. He never looks angry, for some reason.
Yun is actually not Korean, but from the Zulu tribe in Zimbabwe.

XOXO Saygo sogay.

[Disclaimer: This post was written by Yun]


I'm going crazy.

I have really really bad eczema on my neck and arms and i've run out of steroid cream.

So i've resorted to cutting my finger nails so i can't scratch myself.


and I have dance today which means I will sweat, which means it'll get even worse.

someone save me.


This conversation happened in the car yesterday:

Kat: "the importance of being earnest was on the other day, i was so upset that I couldn't see it!"
Channy: "how important is it?"
Kat: "it's very important, it's such a great play!"
Channy: "oh... I thought it was like those accounting people!"

ROFL. (L) my tag team partner so much






Friday 4 September 2009


If winning isn't everything, then why do they keep score?


it's more daunting for the losers.

or maybe
it's more daunting for the winners.

Thursday 3 September 2009


I would hate me as much as I like you

Wednesday 2 September 2009


And there goes my faith in the light and all that. Auditing is worse than solo healing a 25-man.

I can't be an auditor, the unit is too hard!

I have to repeat it......I think.. :(


sometimes we spend so much time waiting for nothing.

even if we're expecting it.
maybe it's the thrill of the journey?

what journey?

Tuesday 1 September 2009


So much love for so little


i still hate tuesdays.

cannot waittttt til post-10th, where i don't have to spend an ungodly 14 hours at uni