Sunday 28 February 2010



expect this post to be edited and stuff by the end of sunday.



it's so hot today.

went to temple :) saw penny, lyn, helen and sophia :)
it's nice to know that there are normal viets out there (Y)!

Saturday 27 February 2010


john and ness both got beached tonight!
oh and i think i saw barbara getting beached too!

on top of the birthday girls stacey and huong!

gg ! it's summer everyone going to the beach!


i hope you feel the same when you're just waiting,
for me
to beg u to stayyyyyy stayy stayyy.
take a look inside? :(

Friday 26 February 2010


helen chose this word for me.

the only thing worse than an awkward dream is being made to describe it to the person it involved.

i hate u meng!

for the rest of the week


u can't spell passion without ass


Thursday 25 February 2010


you're a jerk.

no, not you meng.

Wednesday 24 February 2010


i can never tell when my mum wants me home for dinner or not.

when i'm not home she's made dinner.
when i'm home she hasn't made dinner.
when i'm at home and she's made dinner, i don't get invited to the table :(.
when i've just arrived home and she's made dinner, i have to eat by myself :(.

tonight, i'm eating yesterday's dinner :D

canh chua ftw


i lied, i ate out :( korean bbq/steamboat < canh chua though!

Tuesday 23 February 2010


people are asking me what i want?

here goes:

  1. Bathmat (in retrospect, bathmat almost looks like bahamut) [taken]
  2. Loofah [taken]
  3. Final Fantasy XIII collector's edition
  4. Boys' hearts
  5. Girls' hearts
  6. Angel to clean my shelf
  7. Angel to clean my room
  8. Naijiao's baby dumps
  9. Everyone else to remind me why we're friends :):)
  10. edit: an A&W mug

Monday 22 February 2010


the difference between him and anyone else
is the difference between 我爱的人 and 我的爱人

Sunday 21 February 2010


courage works.

u better listen


because i;m drunk:

·$(084,095,195)Ĉǿςδρцģ.msn ~ $ i love my penpal i'm gunna marry her one day
04:53sago: 你就是我的天使~ msn ~ $ lol
04:53·$(084,095,195)Ĉǿςδρцģ.msn ~ $ she says she misses me  (L)

Saturday 20 February 2010


This is an example of a vanessa hand:

in that order.

3 points.

Friday 19 February 2010


tonight was justin+annie's joint birthday @ the Gold bar.

bouncer: 'stop smiling when he's frisking you'
me: :)

i don't think they realised i had no underwear on (:


ness wants me to write more so here goes:

everyone drank lots except jen.
ness still hasn't been tipsy.
annie and justin died in the bar.
end of story!

Thursday 18 February 2010


i said don't touch me.

Wednesday 17 February 2010


naijiao is making me listen to G弦之歌.

my wrists are bleeding by themselves because it's so depressing/destructive anime sort of music.

i hate omnias


i can't believe NJ conned me into doing vac work applications - this takes so long omg

Tuesday 16 February 2010


most intense steamboat ever!

and most intense mahjong games ever!

if only we had the same music as that TW show


this was my 888th post!

Monday 15 February 2010


do u know that feeling?

when you wear a watch
and when you take it off
yor arm feels different, lighter
but missing something.

that's what it feels like to let go of someone.

your watch doesn't look good on you.
just saying.

Sunday 14 February 2010


seriously, once u have a taste of clubbing around the world, u don't want to go back to metros.
but we inevitably end up at metros.

and nj got bottled. [i believe it's because we're wearing our babe18 outfits]

funny because bran is the one that got cut.
and i stepped on glass and spent a while trying to remove it from my shoe; cut my fingers.

anyways, we're all back at jackie's, spending CNY and V-DAY together.

feeling the love.

像孩子依賴著肩膀 像眼淚依賴著臉龐
你就像天使一樣 給我依賴 給我力量

像詩人依賴著月亮 像海豚依賴海洋
你是天使 你是天使

五月天 - 天使

Saturday 13 February 2010


this post is empty because all i really wanted to say was that i hate wearing jewelry that is not on my ears.

but then i also want to add that i'm having hell epic dreams with twist story lines.

if only my dreams got their facts correct; ice cream was not invented 21 years ago by an italian man.

如果要讓我活 讓我有希望的活
我從不怕愛錯 就怕沒愛過
如果能有一天 再一次重返光榮
記得找我 我的好朋友

五月天 - 孫悟空

Friday 12 February 2010


i can't be bothered doing anything! ararararrar

金曲超級星 is my new favourite show however.


watching mayday's 2008 10,000人 concert.

so effing epic. can't hold back tears :(

Thursday 11 February 2010



I'm finally home!

Wednesday 10 February 2010


sometimes the moments that aren't supposed to happen are the ones that we just about needed


I am fail.

I am not a failure. I am fail. I am the word. The word does no describe me - I describe it.
If anything is a failure, it's being likened to me.



as you may know already, I am on holiday: KL & Taipei.
and as you may also know, i booked my flights separate from the guys (ie. NJ's group booking).

Here's the fun part:

I booked my flight to KL and to TW fine *yay*.
but yesterday, while we were packing to return back to KL and Perth, i checked my itinerary to see if everything was okay.

s: "wait, how come my flight says Saturday the 9th?"
nj: "?"
s: "FUCK"
nj: "??"
nj: "!!!"
s: "fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck what do i do fuck fuck fuck fuck"


wake up:

s: "dad, i booked the wrong tickets etc."
d: "'s my details, book some flights home :o"
s: "(L)!"

so i go and book tickets home ^_^!

airasia have this rule where u can't book online within 24 hours of the departure time, so NJ my kind friend lends me some moolah @ the airport to buy me a ticket to KL!
but since the KL flight is at like midnight 10th/Feb, i manage to buy those tickets online :D.

anyways, while at taipei airport waiting for our flight back to KL, i show NJ my itinerary:

s: "?"
s: "F M L"

so yeah, we asked the air asia people if i could change it but they said i'd have to do it in kl!
so off we flew to KL!

and when we landed, we collected luggage and went straight to air asia desk to see if i could change my flight.
but NO! bu xin! they don't allow changes within 24 (or 48?) hours of the scheduled flight, and the only way for me to get home was to buy a new ticket for like 900-1000 ringit (300ish aud?).
so were were like BU XIN!
and i was like FUCK ! i have no phone, no money and i'm stuck in MALAYSIA!
but thankfully, i have a wonderful, beautiful, gorgeous friend named eileen wong! who was so kind enough to pick me up from the airport and bring me back to hers so i could stay for 24 hours (L)!

and so here i am, in KL, staying an extra night, blogging about my stupidity and fail.

and also, i would love to thank my most wonderful friends who have been with me ever since the fail begun: naijiao, eileen and meng. (L)!

bless u all!

i hope when i read this blog in a few months or years time, i cry - because the tears i shed will show how much i love them :$

Tuesday 9 February 2010


today is probably the worst day of my life

but thank god i'm friends with god (naijiao)

and he is sibeh powderful

Monday 8 February 2010



today we went to stay real/be cool at 忠孝敦化.

yesterday was fail because the guy said all the stay real stores DIDN'T HAVE the epic jacket i wanted, but when we went to this store



i was so happy :D:D.
so i bought it + a vest

i love u 阿信!
i love u NJ!
i love youVINA
i love you noelle!
i almost love u meng!

today is yay day may day!

o yeah, also went dinner with meng's aunty.


Sunday 7 February 2010


today was designated as 'mayday' because it was meant to be the day i saw mayday :(

i lost my phone somewhere around taipei
saw a group of street singers singing mayday - tian shi
went to ah shin's store
failed @ ah shin's store when they told me they don't have a certain jacket in stock.

worst day ever :(

i hate u mayday for betraying me!

but (L) the guys to agreeing to drinking heineken for me so i can bring home another thermos


jed, please marry me

Saturday 6 February 2010


we had an incredibly handsome taxi driver last night, with a really nice nose, facial structure and the highest cheekbones i have ever seen

Friday 5 February 2010


so we wanted to go to SPARK but it was empty, but the guy outside was hell geng BOSS guy - he was hell nice and let us go in and have a look.
so he told us to go to BABE18 because it was gonna be good and he gave us directions - we spent like 30 minutes looking for this "BABE18".

and we finally found it - it looked hell busy, we paid 500 TWD, and we got this drink voucher - so 6 drinks.

then there were 3 girls at the bar as well that were drinking with us, and they got close with a few of the guys. and then we asked for tequila shots and they wouldn't let us!

that's because we didn't know that it was free flowing drinks and all u have to do is trade ur drink for another drink (like your glass) - and if u didn't want to drink u could trade it for a wrist band!

the people: a bit trashy
music: pretty good
so we went to the dancefloor for a bit and then we went to a table and meng started talking to a boss gangster guy and his gf/wife/mistress. and he was making us drink and shit! he was so nice + boss.
and then he was like when i leave u guys can have the table! and there was SO MUCH ALCOHOL on his table.

i died first + slept at the table. according to the guys that is. i was actually yacking and they didn't even know LOL!

and they played FIND YOURSELF and it went off! but the MCs were pretty ave. think asian LIL JON.

and NJ kept collecting wrist bands by trading in drinks LOL. and then he was like trying to light up a smoke but he couldn't because it wasn't in his mouth LOL. and he didn't even realise he was smoking and he burnt himself when he tried to put out the smoke. and then he like tried putting it out with a shot of baileys! and then he kept trying to swap glasses for wrist bands. and then at some point he came back and he had no glasses! LOL

and then at some point he was talking to some girl and whispering sweet hippos into her ear.

and then apparently he hit some guy. like HIT. lol and his gf was like WHY DID U HIT MY BF!

and then a whole group of like 10 guys were like WHY DID U HIT MY FRIEND!
and NJ the horny hippo kept going at them - even after we apologised etc. and he WOULDN'T GET IN THE TAXI


and then the guys wanted to sort shit out but LANGUAGE BARRIER! and then we tried to sort shit out etc. and NJ EFFING BO STILL KEPT WANTING TO FIGHT THEM!

and then THE COPS CAME LOL. and they grabbed vinnie's details and his ID! and the other guys were like RARAR RUN! and they were also like NJ GO AS WELL! because we didn't want trouble !

and the only way zhida managed to get NJ into a taxi was by grabbing NJ from behind and JUMPING into a taxi and going "GOGOGOGO"

(this whole time meng was dying in the toilet)

sago: yacked on taxi window/door. passed out on floor - had to be carried onto bed by jiejie
nj: yacked outside, inside, outside lift, inside lift, floor, bedroom, bathroom, bed, blanket
meng: died in bathroom, passed out while on the toilet
vinnie: yacked in big bins outside hotel - walked into an aisle at 7/11.
meng: yacked in the big bins outside hotel with vinnie
zhida: played wow. LOL

6am: simon calls people up complaining about nj singing in chinese and dancing on his bed or something and also looking for meng. viv doesn't realise that meng is in the bathtub sleeping and tells simon she has NFI where he is LOL.

i wake up in a bed!!

and there's some epic fail drilling by this hotel!

Thursday 4 February 2010


love can be found in many places.

for me, taipei is where i found it.


Wednesday 3 February 2010


dry faster

Tuesday 2 February 2010


at LCCT with viv, meng, nj, simon, zhida and vinnie.

we're heading to taiwan in about 30 minutes. yay i can't wait to go back home :):).

yes, this post relates to the 2nd of feb, even though i've dated it as the 1st. because i didn't post yesterday.

not even sure if we'll have internet to post when i'm back home either :(.

and there were these hell annoying chinese bitches at the airport holding us up at the check in. i can see her she's in front of me now - there's actually like 5 of them. i hope they die!

Monday 1 February 2010


i fucking hate being your friend because my emotions always get in the way.

every single time.

just stay deaddddd