Thursday 30 September 2010


Your reflection in the mirror.

you need to shave

Wednesday 29 September 2010


The person that you want tell everything to, but too afraid to.

you fail.

Tuesday 28 September 2010


Someone that changed your life.

probably anyone that was mentioned in previous posts.

but i think eileen deserves a mention haha
she's always making sure i don't eff up in life.

she let me stay at her house when i went to msia (well, her mum at least)
and even when i booked the wrong flights she drove all the way to the airport to get me :D

so thanks to her (mum) i'm not a beggar in the streets of KL.

but now she's 7 timezones away and im going to cause hell


"you can't always get what you want
but if you try sometime you'll find
you get what you need"


Monday 27 September 2010


The friendliest person you knew for only one day.

probably everyone that's not viet.

viets aren't friendly people,
they look viet = judging = not friendly.


im getting really sick of stupid civ5 music while i'm in game.
it sounds like i am in a temple =[.

i wonder if this counts as attending

Sunday 26 September 2010


The Last Person You Made A Pinky Promise To.

Renata pinky promised me that she wouldn't bite me :)!
but that got cancelled out when mervyn pinky promised me that he wouldn't break my heart

Saturday 25 September 2010


The Person You Know That Is Going Through The Worst Of Times.

probably my parents,
because their workers are on holiday.

even me,
i wish i could work more for them but i think i owe people a few dates

Friday 24 September 2010


The person that gave you your favorite memory.

well, what's my favourite memory? not too sure, but the 2 holidays i went on this year were pretty awesome (KL/TW/SG). aside from that, summadayze was also one of the best events i've been to.

my parents paid for my KL/TW tickets,
NJ raised money for my bday from my friends to send me to SG, and
meng bought my summadayze ticket for me :D

Thursday 23 September 2010


The last person you kissed.

for obvious reasons it would be louis.

:( jk i wish i could say that!

it would be mervyn!

but kat neighbour gave me a kiss on the cheek today; must have felt weird because i haven't shaved.

Wednesday 22 September 2010


Someone you want to give a second chance to.

no one's ever asked for a chance with me :(

Tuesday 21 September 2010


Someone you judged by their first impression.

what sort of retard hugs someone the first time you meet them?

Monday 20 September 2010


The one that broke your heart the hardest.

you can probably guess.

though, the one that made me cry wasn't the one that broke my heart the hardest.
but, the one that changed me the most probably was.

and then there's meng, he would never break my heart, because then i'd rip his balls off.

Sunday 19 September 2010


Someone that pesters your mind—good or bad.

well mervyn is always somehow at the back of my head, but someone that actually pesters my mind..

not really sure.
might be him, because after mervyn read through our chat logs, it made me think about what a jerk he was. and make me think about how lucky i am to not be with a jerk :D

and louis, too many what-ifs ;)

Saturday 18 September 2010


The person that you wish you could be.

i wish i was more hardworking,
less lazy,
more conscientious,
bigger in the pants,
better at computer games,

but probably not heterosexual.

Friday 17 September 2010


Someone from your childhood.

Jeffrey yau :D

haven't seen him in so many years, but i see his mum a lot because she works at the refectory - i always say hi to her and she gives me guild discounts :D.

she sort of looks like the asian news presenter from SBS.

anyways, i've known jeffrey since i was like 6 but then we grew apart when i was in highschool because he was in uni, he was like 5 years older than i was.

aside from that i don't know many people from my childhood, unless it's like cousins and stuff. like rob han, he appeared in my life again when i started first year! :D

Thursday 16 September 2010


Someone that’s not in your state/country.

my cousin jody :)!

she's the same age as tarah but she's like..taller than me haha.
she lives in adelaide and likes asian stuff like K dramas and music etc.

she's meeting the rest of my cousins when they go to KL/HK and i think she's coming to perth after that.
she said i have to take her out lol - i wonder if i'll even have time, i don't even have time to hang out with my friends :(

aside from that,

eileen's in another country! and she seems to be having fun taking photos already.
i miss her mother :(

Wednesday 15 September 2010


The person you miss the most.

NOT mervyn, because i spend half my week with him! :P

i never want to get to the point of missing someone, because that means that i don't see them enough.

i'd want to see everyone enough so i DON'T miss them at all :D

especially eileen's mum

Tuesday 14 September 2010


Someone you’ve drifted away from.

i could say my highschool girls, but we still talk every once in a while - and it's not like we're strangers to each other.

i like to keep in touch with people, so i don't think i've really drifted with anyone completely, we all have busy lives, but it's always fun to chit-chat with others.

however, i am scared of drifting away from everyone in the future, when stuff like work takes over our lives :(!

Monday 13 September 2010


Someone you wish could forgive .

probably one of my best friends in highschool, gary chan lol.
in my opinion, our falling out was a misunderstanding because he was fob and didn't understand my use of the english language.
either way, he was epic homophobe, so i'm sort of glad that we're not really friends anymore.

of course, it doesn't help to have a big heart if you have a narrow mind.

Sunday 12 September 2010


The person you hate most/caused you a lot of pain.

probably ho chi minh,
because they named saigon after him.

and u know, caused both sides of my family to be displaced and whatnot.

dad could have been a doctor you fucking communist

Saturday 11 September 2010


A deceased person you wish you could talk to.

thankfully, my grandparents are still alive.
i don't really know of many deceased people.

but this isn't limited to people i know right?

because i'd really want to meet jesus,
and tell him that he's fucking mental.

and that i'm a fag.

Friday 10 September 2010


Someone you don’t talk to as much as you’d like to.


might be my immediate family - because we don't live together anymore. but we still talk when we are together

or my highschool best friends - because we all do different courses etc. and our lives don't overlap. but when we have catch-ups, they're awesome

or my daily friends - because i'm never at uni anymore :(. but i still get to see them (usually) on weekends :D

or my grandparents - because of a language barrier. but i always end up talking about cocaine to my grandma

or wfc - because everyone has different lives to lead. and that's that. but we (most) still talk to each other, so i don't mind :)!

or louis yeo - because he's scared of me :(

Thursday 9 September 2010


Someone you wish you could meet.

Hands down, Sir David Attenborough.

he narrates most of the BBC documentaries on nature and stuff.
he's so awesome and has accomplished so much in his life!

he's such a lucky person to be able to travel the world documenting everything for BBC

Wednesday 8 September 2010


Your favourite internet friend.

well most of the people i talk to online i also talk to in real life.

but since eileen is gonna be in england for 6 months, i guess this makes her my official favourite internet friend.

on top of the fact that i have a crush on her mum =].

Tuesday 7 September 2010


Your ex-boyfriend/ex-girlfriend/crush.

Well i don't have any ex-boyfriends..yet (just kidding merlin! (L)!!)

I have one ex-girlfriend: Faye Wong. She was awesome! used to always smash me in gunbound and CS, she was older than me by 3 years and john khoo dated her sister. You might be thinking 'wait, don't you like..swim upstream?' and i say 'yeah, i say that too'.

Ex-crushes, i have plenty! But my three biggest ones would be meng, john and xing. I don't know if that's meant to be public lol, but i guess the whole point of this 30 day challenge is to learn something. They're all pretty cool guys and they all have one thing in common: they actually can't resist me ! :) i'm way too cute!


new computer :D
time to re-arrange room with UWA's best engineer: nhan bi tran!


fuck you, grow up.

Monday 6 September 2010


A stranger.

i wish i made more effort to speak to people;
i'm always just worried that they forget who i am, so i don't say hi.

one of the things i enjoy is trying to learn all of mervyn's friends names.
they're all strangers to me when i first meet them and they all look the same!


u know, we were once strangers,
but i didn't know that u'd be the guy
that i'd fall in love with

so here's a lesson:
don't pass the opportunity, because it could be the difference between happiness and regret.

mind you, you won't regret something unless u see the outcome - which u can't if u pass it up!

Sunday 5 September 2010


you are great



Your dreams.

i've always wanted to be a photographer, like a nat geo one.
i love animals/nature/documentaries so much that i've sort of wanted to capture those rare moments that we can only admire from the safety of our living rooms.

but a dream is just a dream,

so instead, i want to be an accountant.
with a ute

Saturday 4 September 2010


Your siblings.

i'd like to think that we're close, but not too close. we listen to each other when we need to and we help each other out.

大T: you have the potential to be great at what u do. you just need to stay focused. i respect you a lot for the choices u make in life, because u don't succumb to mum and dad as much as i do. you're the reason why i can get away with fucking up and i appreciate it.

中T: you need to learn to be more independent. it's good that you don't live with us anymore because u are starting to learn how to live with more confidence. you even have a job, which i didn't have when i was your age. you're at the time in your life where your future is going to be based on what decisions you make now. don't fuck up.

小T: you are the youngest and have the most options and opportunities given to you. you know what you like and what you want already at such a young age - you should stick to it. you also need to learn to keep your mouth closed - people won't respect you for that.

yeah, i'm the only one in the family that doesn't have a name starting with T.
i might be a black sheep but at least i can still make wool.

Friday 3 September 2010


Your parents.

if i could take a screenshot with my iphone i would show u my recent call list.
it goes something like this

  1. Mister Awesome
  2. Mum (2)
  3. Tri
  4. Tarah
  5. Dad
  6. Mum (2)
  7. Dad
  8. Mum
  9. Dad
  10. Dad
  11. Mum
  12. Dad
  13. Grandpa
  14. Mum
  15. Mister Awesome
  16. Mum
  17. Mum
  18. Dad
  19. Mum
  20. Mum (3)
  21. Mum
  22. Dad
  23. Mum (2)
  24. Mum
  25. Ying Ang
I think it speaks for itself. My parents are so wonderfullllllllllllllll. love them to bits! :)!

Thursday 2 September 2010


Your crush.

not sure if this post is valid since i'm dating someone.
i've had many crushes on many people.
everyone is just so adorable and unique in their own little way,
that u wish u could have a piece of them.

or all of them if you're louis yeo :$.

but i'd have to say my first crush is meng,
and i'm pretty sure he's more than proud of that.

stupid jerk.

good thing crushes are just crushes :P!

Wednesday 1 September 2010


Your best friend.

when i think about it, best friends exist in 2 separate parts of my life:

my best friend(s) from school, and
my best friend(s) from uni.

your school best friends are probably the most important; you grew up with them and you all discovered life's little mysteries together.

your uni best friends are the ones that u seem to click with from first year.

anyways, i would have to say my best friend since high school is jenny lam,
she's always been my big sister making sure i don't do stupid shit and always baby sitting me. i remember how we used to have friday movie nights at her house. this one time, we rented out cleopatra (which is like a bajillion hours long) and we kept falling asleep, but we tried our hardest to stay up, in case something good was going to happen. nothing good happened.
anyways, jen's too busy running a sales company now to hang out with me and she keeps thinking that i don't have enough time for her because i hang out with my uni friends, but my uni friends seem to say that too.
but that's okay, because i know that it doesn't matter if we don't see each other, because we're not going to forget who each other are any time soon.


my best friends from uni are a lot of people. i seem to have made many close friends since first year and i don't think i'd forget any of them any time soon. they could be the ones u party with on the weekend, the ones that synchronise timetables with you or the ones that have lunch with you on a regular basis.
but then you have the friends that are just always there.
and i think that's all you really need for a best friend.