Monday 21 April 2014


Is your outlook for the next 50 years of humankind a positive or negative one? Will the average human still be suffering? Why? 

Thursday 17 April 2014


All history is 'contemporary history', declared Croce,^ meaning that history consists essentially in seeing the past through the eyes of the present and in the light of its problems, and that the main work of the historian is not to record , but to evaluate; for, if he does not evaluate, how can he know what is worth recording?

^: The context of this celebrated aphorism is as follows: 'The practical requirements which underlie every historical judgement give to all history the character of "contemporary history", because, however remote in time events thus recounted may seem to be, the history in reality refers to present needs and present situations wherein those events vibrate' (B. Croce, History as the Story of Liberty, Engl. transl. 1941, p. 19). 

Friday 11 April 2014


Me: 'dad have you ever seen anyone get shot?'
Dad: 'no'
-'not even during the war?'
-'I lived in the city..'
-'oh no shit. Saigon was the last place to fall..'

(Fail sago moments that no one really cares about)

Wednesday 9 April 2014


Today I drank a brownes light iced coffee
I am now paying for it by sitting on the toilet. 

Literally need to get my shit together

Wednesday 2 April 2014


i feel like i owe this blog an apology, because it's been with me for so long and it seems like i've neglected it for the last few (probably more) months.

*checks latest post*

wow i posted in january? well before that was september..

so what's been going on in my life since then:

celebrated ness' bday and met SVD whilst she was yacking hahahahahahahha
also bought pokemon x (probably also why i stopped blogging)

went to thailand again; saw buakaw, trained at a gym there, ran away from cops w thuy LOL
went to STEREO #twodays; survived.

family went on holiday so i think i just worked a lot. also farewell'd tricia because she's in japan learning how to dj bake. SHE'S GONNA BE BAKEWELL #1 BAKER!
i also remember x-mas eve because my phone was in merv's pocket and he got thrown into a swimming pool

i think i just ate a lot of food, but that's no different from every other month :|
and i probably just played a lot of games, i'm not too sure, i think my family were still on holiday so i was just working plenty. probably explains the post about wanting to buy someone something (rofl)

best month so far because this is when chainsmokers - #SELFIE was released
also, i joined GENESIS bentley! yay! (i can do a muscle up on the olympic rings now!)
and then, i saw bruno mars :)

2nd best month! because after bruno mars, i went to FMF! (FIRST TIME SEEING HARDWELL AND DADA AND ALL THE OTHER GOOD ARTISTS I SAW! BEST DAY EVER!)
also, ma baby boy cousin quang from deutschland came with his parents to visit; my parents ended up buying us tickets to KL to accompany tri for ASOT/FMF ASIA + i made ness+eric come too! we had HEAPS OF FUN! and i ate a lot of food again.
i think that's also when i had my quarter life crisis LOL, because i turned 25 last week :(
since but these last few weeks have been going pretty slow, which is cool, because i'm spending a lot of my time with people i love doing things i enjoy;

like playing on trampolines, eating good food and apparently, we're still partying hard :)

thanks blog, i hope i see you again soon and not like 6 months like this time!