Monday 30 November 2009


it's her birthday today and it shall also be today's word :).

angel is also the name of an awesome 五月天 song.

and 天使 is also written on the back of my head.

and i have a pair of angel wings on my earring.

给我依赖 给我力量

你是天使 你是天使


Sunday 29 November 2009


march 23 2008.

took it off.

Saturday 28 November 2009


i haven't eaten a mcdonald's big breakfast in so long.

oh how i miss you so much :(.

but i did make sausage and egg muffins for myself a few weeks ago.


btw, we got angle the best present(s), don't try to compete :@

Friday 27 November 2009


i remember nazim khan.

he was an EBS lecturer (economics and business statistics).

he had wow on his laptop!

he's like mogul khan, but without the mogul and with the nazim.

he's a centaur in disguise.

and i used he a lot this post!

Thursday 26 November 2009


unpleasant for those who are such
pleasant for those who caused such.

josh is never invited, but that's different to being uninvited


if you are any of these units, hit me up :D


Wednesday 25 November 2009


i am so tired right now.

had fun on the road trip :):).

bonding is so fun :D

Tuesday 24 November 2009


Your random word is: pretending

i like to pretend to like people things.

keep smiling, it confuses people.

Monday 23 November 2009


Been there, done that


you always fear what u don't understand.

getting hurt?

in your face batman

Sunday 22 November 2009

Saturday 21 November 2009


this is to all the people that i love and have loved before:


Friday 20 November 2009


my sister:

"is plastic a natural resource?"

Thursday 19 November 2009


simply join to points to make a line of infinite width.

simply join to hearts to make a story of infinite love.


Wednesday 18 November 2009


Your random word is:   cloth

i have rolled a mage.

aptly named saygay thanks to b.


Tuesday 17 November 2009


optimism is hoping that everytime he sends a RAF it works.

pessimism is knowing that it's not going to work

realism is finding a solution

nihilism is realising that playing would be meaningless

humanism is RAFing together

materialism is thinking that WoW is a waste of money

autism is hilarious

(i'm kidding, my heart goes out there to all the families of those affected by autism :))


so anyways, i think being optimistic has its downsides sometimes,

when u think too well or hopeful of things u often forget that there are also bad things.

so when u fall,

u hit the ground harder, because you forget how to fly with your wings of realism


sounds about right

Monday 16 November 2009


forgiveness is beautiful

forgetting is not.

i will never forget the day u got me keylogged




Sunday 15 November 2009


ORIGIN late 16th cent.: from Latin contemplat- ‘surveyed, observed, contemplated,’ from the verb contemplari, based on templum ‘place for observation.’

:) i love apple spotlight.


what happens a lot during lonely drives and before bed.

where i always think of things to blog

then they escape my thoughts as quickly as they come.

or i can't even put them into words.


i stopped listening to the music so i'd stop getting bad thoughts.
but on the way home today (@4:30am) from WFC,
i decided to listen to some.



we cross the road not because the man is green or red or blinking,

but because we know that even if we cross we'll be fine.

it's not about taking chances when we put our foot on the asphalt,

it's about being able to tell if a car is coming or not.

and yes,

traffic is bad. and the button is broken.

the light won't change.

Saturday 14 November 2009




it's josh's word today. :)

Friday 13 November 2009


meng once said that if u want good karma u shouldn't do things with the thought of only doing it only for the karma.

and still

i lose my wallet :@

now i know how kat feels all the time!


i hate losing my wallet!

i feel so uncomfortable and out of my own skin without it.

i really hope i left it at work and didn't lose it


Thursday 12 November 2009


I hate this game so much why am i still playing it

Wednesday 11 November 2009



Tuesday 10 November 2009


i tried to leave but i turn backkkkkk

on my heart
a trace



3rd year is over.

i had pancakes with nj + jeff.

i kept stepping on feet!

slowly moving on!

Sunday 8 November 2009


'in blackjack when you get a perfect pair,
you call it luck
but in real life when you find your perfect pair,
you call it a miracle'

i wonder if the words repair and pair are related.


to repair a broken heart you'd pair the two pieces together.

Friday 6 November 2009


'it's what you don't say
that i care about.'

Your random word is:   omission

"Information is material if its omission or misstatement could influence the decision-making of users taken on the basis of the financial statements."

I really hope i did well for Auditing.

Thursday 5 November 2009


'because sometimes we just need someone to talk to.'

the lack of my methods of communication does not change my study habits

just makes me watch all these movies i've been missing out on


I need to know:

  1. the WTH ratio in adult human females is the result of a naturally selected pattern of fat deposition for more successful reproduction in women and is the basis of a sexually selected preference trait in males for a WTH ratio of 0.7
  2. according to hamilton's rule, for the kin selection of "altruistic" behavior there needs to be more benefit to the recipient, or less cost to the actor, if the actor and the recipient have a lower coefficient of relatedness
  3. there is no backflow from the left ventricle into the left atrium during systole because the left atrio-ventricular valve is closed during systole
  4. blood flow into capillaries is controlled by the contraction and relaxation of precapillary arterioles
  5. the heart muscle is supplied with arterial blood by the right and left coronary arteries
  6. bile is stored in the gallbaldder
  7. enterocytes are important for absorption of nutritional molecules in the small and large intestine
  8. the liver produces and secretes most of the serum proteins
  9. the nephron is the smallest morphological and functional unit of the kidney
  10. a thirsty person usually has increased secretion of ADH by the pituitary gland
  11. the parasympathetic nervous system plays a role on the contraction of the muscle of the urinary bladder
  12. pygmies and nilotic africans are both adapted to hot climates
  13. humans who move from a cold climate to a hot one, greatly increase their sweating capacity after a few weeks
  14. different characters produce different racial classifications
  15. the bronchial circulation delivers systemic blood to lung tissues
  16. activation of stretch receptors in the lungs causes inhibition of inspiration
  17. the upper airway usually collapses at the pharynx in sleep apnoea
  18. sleep loss results in prolonged reaction times
  19. sensory fibers are found in motor nerves, axons reach muscles via ventral roots and spinal nerves, the pattern of nervous control reflects developmental organization, a motor unit is one axon and all the muscle fibers it supplies
  20. somatic sensation can be accurately localised
  21. the autonomic nervous system innvervates smooth muscle, cardiac muscle and glands
  22. neuroglia are the supporting cells of the nervous system
  23. segmental organisations of the nervous system is most obvious in the spinal cord
  24. grey matter in the spinal cord contains nerve cell bodies
  25. the rate of genetic drift is inversely related to effective population size
  26. natural selection is adaptive
  27. in HIV infection, the HLA system in humans is under the force of heterozygote advantage
  28. most genetic daa supports the single origin model of early human evolution
  29. given a constant value of heritability for a particular trait, if the co-efficient of relationship declines, the correlation coefficient decreases
  30. steroid hormone receptors can become activated transcription factors when bound by a hormone
  31. catch-up growth is an example of a compensatory response
  32. association and linkage studies identify minor gene effects in complex traits
  33. in polygenic traits, the mode of inheritance is hard to distinguish
  34. hypothalamic neurons do not secret gonadotrophins directly into the blood
  35. triglycerides are not made up of three glycerol molecules plus one fatty acid
  36. activation of PPAR-δ is unlikely to reduce the long-term effects of ageing
  37. senescence is not due exclusively to the downstream effects of oxidative stress
  38. viewed from the front the two vemues of an adult are not parallel from hip to knee
  39. adult human femurs have longer necks than those of apes
  40. premature babies can have difficulty breathing because they lack surfactant in their alveoli
  41. continuous positive airwaves pressure is the gold-standard treatment of obstructive sleep apnoea
  42. obstructive sleep apnoea is associated with daytime hypertension
  43. the sinoatrial node of the heart is located in the wall of the right atrium
  44. the pulmonary trunk does not supply or drain the heart itself
  45. once filtered by the glomerulus, the primary urine is collected by the proximal convoluted tubule
  46. urine that is produced by the kidney is not further concentrated by the renal pelvis
  47. the pancreas does not secrete biliary salts for the emulsification of fat molecules to support chemical digestion in the small intestine
  48. the colon does not secrete digestive enzymes for the digestion of waste products
  49. T-lymphocytes do not contribute to the body's first line of defence
  50. T-lymphocytes are not phagocytic cells
  51. single nucleotide polymorphisms are a rare DNA variation
  52. the hardy-weinberg formula is: (p+q)² = 1
  53. the direction of genetic drift cannot be predicted (random fluctuations/sampling result in RGD)
  54. a high mutation rate is not a prerequisite for Natural Selection to occur in a population
  55. the coefficient of inbreeding is the probability that at a locus, an individual receives two genes identical by descent
  56. heritability is the ratio of genetic variance to genotypic variance (H = Vg/Vp, where Vp = Vg+Ve)
  57. the rooting reflect facilitates nursing by an infant
  58. sexual dimorphism is an adaptive response to the evolution of larger brains
  59. early birth does not allow human females to reproduce more rapidly
  60. sexual dimorphism in the human pelvis does not result from sexual selection
  61. the anterior pituitary gland is supplied by blood vessels draining the hypothalamus
  62. the stress response results in a rapid increase in adrenal catecholamine secretion
  63. more than just the products of glucose metabolism can enter the krebs cycle
  64. leptin does not inhibit metabolic rate
  65. maximal growth occurs during the pre-natal stage
  66. androgen supplementation is not a common therapy in aged men
  67. the lumbar region of the spinal cord has 5 pairs of nerves emerging from it
  68. the hypothalamus has a centre for temperature regulation
  69. the vagus nerve supplies sensory, motor and parasympathetic fibers to the areas it innvervates
  70. lumbar puncture involves taking CSF from the lumbar region
  71. anterior divisions of a limb plexus supply the flexor compartment
  72. the dorsal column tract is an ascending spinal cord tract
  73. there are many features of homo sapiens that indicate it evolved in a tropical environment
  74. genes can be transmitted vertically and horizontally along with culture
  75. natural selection has not been able to decrease the frequency of deleterious genes that are only expressed in people over 50 years in age
  76. sometimes siblings have been classified into different races
  77. i hate human biology

Wednesday 4 November 2009


'I get on the subway and take a seat.
Legs crossed, I take out my book and start to read.
As I turn the page, I peak over my book to see a girl,
a pretty girl, no less, with her soft brown hair gently resting upon her shoulders
and her eyes perfectly accentuated by a subtle yet mastferul use of a dark eyeliner.
I cannot help but stare, and allow my eyes to linger a bit longer than appropriable.
She notices this, and looks at me.
As our eyes meet I smile, and instinctively, she smiles back.
It is at this moment I smirk and slowly shake my head, with an air of disgust.
As I bring up my book to continue where I had left off,
she looks down to quickly inspect herself, noticeably confused.
Noticing nothing wrong or out of the ordinary, she sits in silence,
embarrased and self-conscious, wondering what had just happened.
As she gets off the subway, she takes one last quick glance back at me.
I do not acknowledge her departure as I continue to read.
As the doors close and the subway train heads to its next destination,
I smile to myself.
Riding subways is fun.'

i love trains


'when i told him i couldn’t see him anymore
i don't know if he cared.
i love him
and i don't know if he cares.'
-how to lose friends and alienate people

on another note:

i finished my AIS exam 2 hours early because i had a tummy ache and i couldn't take it any longer :(.

<3 dash berlin,

♪ haunted by your grace
you know I’m falling
so cool without you
always in my mind
i hear you calling ~~

Tuesday 3 November 2009


'You are out of this world.
As graceful as a shooting star
Your eyes like stars shining bright.
I want to take your hand,
And leave this earth,
Far off into space.
Because out in space,
Nobody can hear you say
"Don't touch me"'

the space grows

Monday 2 November 2009


'You built your wall tall and strong,
so I tried to knock it down.
I ran myself into it, but your wall would not crumble.
I tried using arrows, but your wall would not crumble.
Then a battering ram, but your wall would not crumble.

But then I saw, with such surprise,
A gate in your wall,
It was open this entire time.
I stood there staring at the inviting entrance.
Maybe this trebuchet will knock your wall down.'


i wonder if u realise that u make me feel worthless


a wise bumper sticker once told me:

"Justify your existence."


Sunday 1 November 2009


'I sneaked up behind her,
and held her hand.
She turned around, a look of surprise and puzzlement on her face.
"Oh.. sorry"
I stuttered with embarrassment as I quickly let go,
"Thought you were someone else"
She faced me,
looked at me intently,
as her mouth slowly curled into a smile.
She took my hand and held it once more.
"Yes, I am"'

hi, what's your name?

oh wait we've met before,

we just forget too many things.

let's not be strangers