Sunday, 2 August 2009


was 2 nights ago.

Quite an epic night i must say, a lot of effort put into selling tickets by my commitee, particularly the freshers who have done a good job; i barely sold anything in my first year :).

So anyway, i hate writing endless paragraphs so i'll just dot point;

-(L) Jin-nee for the 4 shots
-(L) PJ for the 151
-(L) (whoever) for the jaeger bombs
-I don't remember much
-erm, i slapped a few people :S (nj, ks, josh, all i remember for now)
-lol @ the 'business boys' being called gay
-met a few people
-lol@ penny going home early. fail penelope pitstop.
-eff, i really don't remember anything.

sorry penny, this was my best attempt at trying to remember friday night!

much love ~

1 comment:

penelope pit stop IS SICK said...

i remember you telling me to settle down, and then was like FUCK IT, when toby bought us the jager bombs!

and BAM sago the alcoholic came out- goooood timesss :)