Friday 17 August 2007


has labelled me his hero !

It felt like a nice warm-fuzzy :)

If you for some reason cannot read it:

I aspire to be more like Sago! He is so cool, and amiable, and funny. His blog has inspired me to make mine better with more stuff in it. I'm also half-tempted to go out to EB Games this weekend and buy some fantastic RPG and eat rice noodles and listen to Jay Chou. Sago, if you are reading this, you are my hero. I think you are geekily cute. Not in a creepy gay way. I will admire any person who crashes an EBS lecture, let alone twice!
Brian is a creepy gay!


Anonymous said...

I said I'm NOT a creepy gay! =( Also, Natalie told me you walked straight out of that most recent EBS lecture so respect diminishes somewhat. Although I do feel warm-fuzzy too for above blog. ^^

nutchai said...

If it makes you feel better your my hero too. Gotta love your smile ;)

Anduz said...

and if it makes u feel any better, your hero is commenting on your blog.

Anduz said...

keep it real sago~!